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Akta skarbowo-wojskowe z epoki Wazów. [Tom 2] Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie w okresie panowania Jana Kazimierza (1648-1668) (EBOOK)

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The volume consists of three treasury sources containing material for the study of Lithuanian military history during the reign of John II Casimir Vasa: the inventory of the Lithuanian treasury expenses from the years 1650–1652, the registry of expenses... czytaj więcej

Akta skarbowo-wojskowe z epoki Wazów. [Tom 2] Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie w okresie panowania Jana Kazimierza (1648-1668) (EBOOK)

Opracowanie Konrad Bobiatyński, Krzysztof Kossarzewski. Redakcja naukowa Konrad Bobiatyński
39,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2024
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Praca naukowa
Treasury and Military Records from the Vasa Period. Volume 2. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania During the Reign of John II Casimir Vasa (1648–1668)

The volume consists of three treasury sources containing material for the study of Lithuanian military history during the reign of John II Casimir Vasa: the inventory of the Lithuanian treasury expenses from the years 1650–1652, the registry of expenses paid by the treasurer Gabriel Karol Kimbar in 1662 and 1663, and the book of the military-treasury commission from Vilnius from 1667. In the extensive introduction, the authors discuss the issues related to the functioning of Lithuanian treasury in the second half of the 17th century. They present the state of Polish, Lithuanian and Belarusian historiographical research, the state of preservation of the source database and the classification of basic types of treasury sources and their specific nature.

Keywords: John II Casimir Vasa, Gabriel Karol Kimbar, fiscal records, Lithuanian treasury, history of Lithuanian military, the 17th century.

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