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Pamięć sentymentalna. Praktyki pamięci w kręgu Towarzystwa Warszawskiego Przyjaciół Nauk i w Puławach Izabeli Czartoryskiej – EBOOK

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The author analyzes the nineteenth-century practices of memory mediated by the art of words, by writing, print, image, body and ritual, inscribed in landscapes and building spaces, on the examples of the activity of scientists from the Warsaw Society... czytaj więcej

Pamięć sentymentalna. Praktyki pamięci w kręgu Towarzystwa Warszawskiego Przyjaciół Nauk i w Puławach Izabeli Czartoryskiej – EBOOK

53,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2014
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5,41 MB
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Praca naukowa
Sentimental memory. Practices of memory in the circle of the Warsaw Society of Friends of Science and in Puławy owned by Izabela Czartoryska

The author analyzes the nineteenth-century practices of memory mediated by the art of words, by writing, print, image, body and ritual, inscribed in landscapes and building spaces, on the examples of the activity of scientists from the Warsaw Society of Friends of Science and the first museum in Poland, founded in Puławy by Izabela Czartoryska.

Keywords: Izabela Czartoryska, Warsaw Society of Friends of Science, cultural memory, souvenirs, Puławy, sentimentalism.


See other publications in the series: Communicare – historia i kultura »

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