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Enter Lear. The Translator's Part in Performance (PDF)

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What part did translators play in the Polish history of Shakespeare translations? Did they look to Shakespeare only or lean towards the theatre by supplying scripts rewritten for their own time? Did they act as prompters, whispering words into the ears... czytaj więcej

Enter Lear. The Translator's Part in Performance (PDF)

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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2008
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1,77 MB
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Praca naukowa
What part did translators play in the Polish history of Shakespeare translations? Did they look to Shakespeare only or lean towards the theatre by supplying scripts rewritten for their own time? Did they act as prompters, whispering words into the ears of the actors, or command the stage themselves to tamper with Elizabethan designs? The intricacies of the Polish theatrical reception of King Lear, his triumphs, disappearances and spectacular comebacks, make the play a particularly interesting choice for investigating the relationship between translation and performance. Thus the stage history of the play runs parallel to the efforts of its translators: Jan N. Kaminski, Jozef Paszkowski, Maciej Slomczynski, Stanislaw Baranczak. What did they owe to Shakespeare, and what does our Shakespeare owe to them?

Publication type: scientific English version »

Keywords: Shakespeare translations, Elizabethan theatre, King Lear, performance, Shakespeare.

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PhD hab. Anna Cetera-Włodarczyk – is Assistant Professor in the Institute of English Studies at the University of Warsaw. She has published on historical and ideological aspects of the Polish reception of Shakespeare in academic journals and thematic volumes.

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