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Dzieła. Tom 1. Idea transcendentalizmu u Fichtego i Kanta. Studium z  dziejów filozoficznej problematyki wiedzy

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The most important Polish publication devoted to the philosophy of Kant and Fichte. The fundamental aim of the Author was to describe a way of thinking called transcendentalism, as the works of the two philosophers have played a crucial role in its birth... czytaj więcej

Dzieła. Tom 1. Idea transcendentalizmu u Fichtego i Kanta. Studium z dziejów filozoficznej problematyki wiedzy

Marek J. Siemek
Scientific editor: Pańków Marcin
Date of realise: 2017-06-28
51,00 zł
45.90 / 1egz.
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2017
Publication language:
Number of page:
14,8x21,0 cm
500 g
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Works. The idea of transcendentalism in Fichte and Kant: A study in the history of the philosophical concept of knowledge

The most important Polish publication devoted to the philosophy of Kant and Fichte. The fundamental aim of the Author was to describe a way of thinking called transcendentalism, as the works of the two philosophers have played a crucial role in its birth and development. The idea of transcendentalism has been extracted by Siemek from various historical entanglements, presented using a language independent of the old philosophy, but most importantly – the ground-breaking character of transcendentalism and its timeliness from the point of view of modern thought has been argued in a fascinating way.

Keywords: Kant, Fichte, transcendentalism, epistemology, German idealism.

See other publications by Marek J. Siemek »

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