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Historia starożytnych Greków. Tom 3. Okres hellenistyczny – PDF

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A textbook on the history of ancient Greece from the start of the reign of Alexander the Great up to the times of the Roman conquests and the beginning of a new order. The authors discuss the relations between Greeks and the peoples of the East and their... czytaj więcej

Historia starożytnych Greków. Tom 3. Okres hellenistyczny – PDF

Ewa Wipszycka, Benedetto Bravo
87,00 zł
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2 poprawione i rozszerzone
Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2010
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Size of the file:
49,67 MB
Publication type:
Podręcznik akademicki
The History of Ancient Greeks. Volumen 3. The Hellenistic Period

A textbook on the history of ancient Greece from the start of the reign of Alexander the Great up to the times of the Roman conquests and the beginning of a new order. The authors discuss the relations between Greeks and the peoples of the East and their civilizations, as well as subsequent conflicts with the Roman republic. They portray the richness of the forms of social and economic life, the political system, the material and spiritual culture. The authors discuss in detail the sources that are most important and most often used in research, including literary texts, inscriptions, papyruses, archaeological monuments, coins. The textbook features maps and illustrations.

Keywords: ancient history, Alexander the Great, Hellenism, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, Hellenistic epoch.

See other publications in the series: Historia starożytnych Greków »

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