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Dzieła. Tom 2. Wolność i utopia w myśli filozoficznej Schillera – EBOOK

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The most important Polish publication devoted to the philosophy of Kant and Fichte. The fundamental aim of the Author was to describe a way of thinking called transcendentalism, as the works of the two philosophers have played a crucial role in its birth... czytaj więcej

Dzieła. Tom 2. Wolność i utopia w myśli filozoficznej Schillera – EBOOK

35,00 zł
14.00 / 1egz.
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2017
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1,81 MB
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Praca naukowa
Freedom and utopia in Schiller's philosophical thought

The basis of the edition is a new version of the text about Schiller, which Marek J. Siemek worked on in the last years of his life. Compared to the known monograph published in the series Thoughts and People (Universal Knowledge, 1970), the volume has been enriched with a critical apparatus and philosophical threads appearing in the author's considerations in later years. The author presents Schiller from a site less known to the Polish reader: not as a poet and playwright, but as a philosopher - a pupil of enlightenment exceeding the ideological horizons of the era, the reader and Kant's original interpreter. He discusses his reflections on the sense of history, attitude to the Greek ideal, as well as the most famous philosophical ideas - concepts of naive and sentimental poetry and the project of aesthetic education.

Keywords: Friedrich Schiller, freedom, utopia, philosophy, enlightenment.

See other publications by Marek J. Siemek »

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