Information about a product
Edition: | 1 |
Place and year of publication: | Warszawa 2019 |
Publication language: | polski |
ISBN/ISSN: | 978-83-235-3703-8 |
EAN: | 9788323537038 |
Number of page: | 374 |
Binding: | Miękka |
Format: | 17x24 cm |
Weight: | 580 g |
Publication type: | Praca naukowa |
DOI: | |
Typologies of defective integration of attitudes in light of social maladjustment theory of Czesław Czapów: A theoretical and empirical study
The author presents the results of his own research concerned with a typology of social maladjustment among prisoners. The social maladjustment theory developed by Czesław Czapów constitutes the theoretical foundation of the author’s research. Applying factor analysis revealed that the types of social maladjustment distinguished by Czapów (nihilist-aggressive, nihilist-withdrawn, dogmatic-expansive and dogmatic-restrictive) are not homogenous and there are subtypes within each type. The analysis has also uncovered the group structure of prisoners determined by the intensity of the different types of social maladjustment.
Keywords: social maladjustment, prisoners, attitudes of prisoners, typology of social maladjustment, Polish prisons.
The author presents the results of his own research concerned with a typology of social maladjustment among prisoners. The social maladjustment theory developed by Czesław Czapów constitutes the theoretical foundation of the author’s research. Applying factor analysis revealed that the types of social maladjustment distinguished by Czapów (nihilist-aggressive, nihilist-withdrawn, dogmatic-expansive and dogmatic-restrictive) are not homogenous and there are subtypes within each type. The analysis has also uncovered the group structure of prisoners determined by the intensity of the different types of social maladjustment.
Keywords: social maladjustment, prisoners, attitudes of prisoners, typology of social maladjustment, Polish prisons.
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