Tajemna głębia (yūgen) w japońskiej poezji. Twórczość Fujiwary Shunzeia i jej związki z buddyzmem - pdf35,00 zł
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Techniki i strategie tłumaczenia neologizmów autorskich. Polska literatura fantastyczna i fantastycznonaukowa w przekładach angielskich – EBOOK29,00 zł
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The Experience of Faith in Slavic Cultures and Literatures in the Context of Postsecular Thought – EBOOK
The Gospel of Work and Wealth in the Puritan Ethic. From John Calvin to Benjamin Franklin - PDF42,00 zł
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The Life of the Last Rin Spungs pa Ruler and his Guide to Śambhala. A study based on the 16th century manuscript, Vidyādhara – The Messenger (Rig pa’dzin pa’i pho nya) by Ngag dbang ’jig grags of Rin spungs (translation and comparative text analysis)42,00 zł
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Ostatnio oglądane
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- A new, supplemented and corrected Polish translation of the classic publication "The Viking Rus". The author talks about the beginnings of statehood in Eastern Europe and about the role Scandinavians played in it. He presents and discusses in detail