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Rolnicze strategie pracy i przetrwania. Studium z antropologii ekonomicznej – EBOOK

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The book is devoted to agricultural work and survival strategies, to everyday ways of dealing with reality, and to constant attempts to change it so that life is as easy and as good as possible. The starting point are issues related to the economic sphere... czytaj więcej

Rolnicze strategie pracy i przetrwania. Studium z antropologii ekonomicznej – EBOOK

34,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2014
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2,4 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Agricultural work and survival strategies. A study in economic anthropology

The book is devoted to agricultural work and survival strategies, to everyday ways of dealing with reality, and to constant attempts to change it so that life is as easy and as good as possible. The starting point are issues related to the economic sphere of farmers' activity, but - in line with the thesis that economic activities are immersed in a social and cultural context - the book contains many other threads inextricably linked with the strategies of work and survival.

Keywords: agriculture, countryside, agricultural work strategies, agricultural survival strategies.

See other publications from the series: Badania etnograficzne »

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