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Praca przymusowa w czasie I wojny światowej. Niemiecka polityka sterowania siłą roboczą w okupowanym Królestwie Polskim i na Litwie 1914-1918 – EBOOK

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The book deals with the economic history of Polish lands in the period of the First World War. On the basis of an extensive source query, the author analyzed various aspects of the use of labor resources from the occupied areas by the German occupier... czytaj więcej

Praca przymusowa w czasie I wojny światowej. Niemiecka polityka sterowania siłą roboczą w okupowanym Królestwie Polskim i na Litwie 1914-1918 – EBOOK

54,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2014
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Title of original:
Zwangsarbeit im Ersten Weltkrieg. Deutsche Arbeitskräftepolitik edytuj dodaj wartość przenieś element usuń opcje dodatkowe im besetzten Polen und Litauen 1914-1918
Włoskowicz Wojciech
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11,51 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Forced labor during the First World War. The German policy of controlling the workforce in the occupied Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania in 1914-1918

The book deals with the economic history of Polish lands in the period of the First World War. On the basis of an extensive source query, the author analyzed various aspects of the use of labor resources from the occupied areas by the German occupier. The publication broadens the knowledge about the occupation policy of the German authorities in Poland during WWI, significantly different from the policy of WWII, which is much better known.

Keywords: First World War, WWI, forced labour, Poland, Lithuania, Germany, occupation policy during WWI.

See other publications in the series: Biblioteka Humanisty »

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