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Główne problemy współczesnej fenomenologii - PDF

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Anthology of texts translated for the first time into Polish, making up the image of contemporary phenomenology - presenting phenomena occurring in it and at the same time showing vivid discussions that phenomenology carries out with other disciplines... czytaj więcej

Główne problemy współczesnej fenomenologii - PDF

Redakcja naukowa Jacek Migasiński, Marek Pokropski
Place and year of publication: Warszawa 2017
59,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2017
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5,9 MB
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Praca naukowa
Main Issues of Modern Phenomenology

An anthology of texts on the contemporary phenomenology presenting its phenomena and living discussions it holds with other disciplines of science. The texts are grouped in seven thematic sections: Phenomenology of Body, Phenomenology and Art., Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity, Phenomenology and Theology, Phenomenology and Cognitive Science, Phenomenology and Feminism, Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis. At the beginning of each section there is the introduction written by the Polish scientific editor.

Keywords: phenomenology, feminism, aesthetics, psychoanalysis, cognitive science, intersubjectivity, theology

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