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Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie 1817-2017. Miscellanea (PDF)

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The jubilee publication contains the papers describing the University of Warsaw Library at the beginning of its existence (1817-1831) and nowadays (1993-2013). They are accompanied by: the critical study of Joachim Lelewel’s autographs "A Project... czytaj więcej

Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie 1817-2017. Miscellanea (PDF)

Redakcja naukowa Jolanta Talbierska, Zbigniew Olczak
Name of the series / journal: Monumenta Universitatis Varsoviensis
Date of realise: 2018-02-05
Open access
Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2017
Publication language:
Number of page:
Method of publication:
Size of the file:
12,69 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
Open access
Monumenta Universitatis Varsoviensis The University of Warsaw Library 1817–2017. Miscellanea

The jubilee publication contains the papers describing the University of Warsaw Library at the beginning of its existence (1817-1831) and nowadays (1993-2013). They are accompanied by: the critical study of Joachim Lelewel’s autographs Projekt utrzymania i urządzenia biblioteki [A Project of Maintaining, Classification and Organization of the Library Collection] and Urządzenie Biblioteki [A Scheme of Classification and Organization of the Library Collection], presentation of the sources for the history of the University of Warsaw Library in the archives of Saint Petersburg, as well as the historical timeline of the University of Warsaw Library in the years 1817–2017, and the appendix with biographical notes of all the directors of the library.

The publication is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Poland license (CC BY 3.0 PL) (full license available at:

Keywords: University of Warsaw Library in Warsaw, history of the University of Warsaw Library, directors of the University of Warsaw Library, Joachim Lelewel, University of Warsaw.

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