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Pachoras. Faras. The wall paintings from the Cathedrals of Aetios, Paulos and Petros. PAM Monograph Series 4 – PDF

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The publication documents the relics of the wall paintings from the Early Christian cathedral discovered in Faras by the team of Polish archeologists led by Prof. K. Michałowski in 1961-1964 in connection with building the Aswan Dam. For each painting... czytaj więcej

Pachoras. Faras. The wall paintings from the Cathedrals of Aetios, Paulos and Petros. PAM Monograph Series 4 – PDF

Stefan Jakobielski, Małgorzata Martens-Czarnecka, Magdalena Łaptaś, Bożena Mierzejewska, Bożena Rostkowska
Name of the series / journal: PAM Monograph Series
Date of realise: 2018-07-17
135,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2017
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579,42 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
The publication documents the relics of the wall paintings from the Early Christian cathedral discovered in Faras by the team of Polish archeologists led by Prof. Kazimierz Michałowski in 1961–1964 in connection with building the Aswan Dam. For each painting, metric data, location and state of preservation are provided. The catalogue is richly illustrated with the photographs of paintings before they were taken off the walls and after conservation, and a table of all the ornaments and patterns depicted in the paintings as well as concordance tables and index.

The discovery, which revolutionized knowledge of the Middle Nile region and put the Christian kingdoms of Nubia on the scientific map, was made as part of the UNESCO Nubian Campaign salvaging the antiquities of Nubia. It follows on the first volume by Włodzimierz Godlewski which presented the architecture of the cathedral (Pachoras. The Cathedrals of Aetios, Paulos and Petros. The Architecture).

The catalogue was written and edited by Stefan Jakobielski with the contribution of several colleagues working on different issues connected with the iconography of these murals. Their findings are enhanced by remarkable and well researched drawings, as well as a useful foldout timeline to help understand the long history of the painted decoration inside the cathedral.

Keywords: Faras, Pachoras, cathedrals of Aetios, Paulos, Petros, Nubia, Kazimierz Michałowski, PCMA.

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Stefan Jakobielski
Architectural setting

Stefan Jakobielski
Chronology of the wall paintings

Małgorzata Martens-Czarnecka
Nature and manner of the wall painting

Stefan Jakobielski

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