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W kręgu muzealnych przedmiotów – EBOOK

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This creative and ground-breaking dissertation confronts one of the main dilemmas of contemporary museology: the issue of ontological status of museum objects and their perception. It shows a disputable and unclear status of museums and different aspects... czytaj więcej

W kręgu muzealnych przedmiotów – EBOOK

29,00 zł
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2020
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Size of the file:
17,72 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
In the Circle of Museum Objects

This creative and ground-breaking dissertation confronts one of the main dilemmas of contemporary museology: the issue of ontological status of museum objects and their perception. It shows a disputable and unclear status of museums and different aspects of the relationship between the public and the exhibits, it explains current approaches to understanding culture and the cognitive dissonance among them. It also analyses a modern style of exhibiting museum objects, revealing numerous problems connected with their authenticity and encourages using museum education in pedagogy.

Keywords: museum objects, museum education, perceiving objects, genuine art, copies.

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