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Rewolucja plenerowa XVIII wieku? Relacje z narodzin pejzażu nowoczesnego – EBOOK

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An unconventional look at the Enlightenment, the beginnings of modern thought on nature and discovery journeys in Europe and beyond. The author brings to light little known facts from the history of art education, scientific exploration of mountains... czytaj więcej

Rewolucja plenerowa XVIII wieku? Relacje z narodzin pejzażu nowoczesnego – EBOOK

33,00 zł
23.10 / 1egz.
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Place and year of publication:
Warszawa 2021
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Size of the file:
10,59 MB
Publication type:
Praca naukowa
A Plein Air Revolution in the 18th Century? Reports on the Birth of Modern Landscape

An unconventional look at the Enlightenment, the beginnings of modern thought on nature and discovery journeys in Europe and beyond. The author brings to light little known facts from the history of art education, scientific exploration of mountains, glaciers and distant seas in the 18th century. He analyses works and attitudes of renowned artists (Goethe, Turner), as well as completely forgotten painters and graphic artists from numerous countries. He brings to light curiosities in the history of culture and makes them meaningful signs of changes in mentality and artistic creation (e.g. the first glacier explorations, onboard painters on captain Cook’s ships, early “out of town excursions” with a sketchbook).

Keywords: landscape, plein air, the Enlightenment, modernity, studies from nature.

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